Red Rock Armada… and beyond

Saturday 17th August 2024

Nine boats left HYC at 11am (a later start to dodge the hundreds of Optimists taking part in their Nationals). The light South-Easterly winds sadly started to veer as the armada approached Red Rock, making anchoring in an onshore breeze an uncomfortable option.

A lumpy Red Rock

Enter Plan B: Admiral Gerry O’Neill had planned an alternative option which was to sail to Dunlaoire Marina for lunch. Cyril Geran negotiated a safe crossing with Dublin VTS and the fleet enjoyed a lovely sail to the southside marina. In fact, the breeze was so tempting that a couple of yachts opted to eat their lunch under sail, sailing around Dalkey Island or further out to sea before heading home.

Those who tied up in Dunlaoire Marina had a great get-together as they had kindly been given berths together. So, in between the sandwiches, there were a lot of stories swopped and jokes shared. Then an enjoyable sail back across the Bay to bring another successful armada to a close.
The next (and last) armada this summer will be to the National Yacht Club for brunch on Saturday 14th September.

The Admiral at ease in Dunlaoire


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