Baydoyle Bay Seagrass Restoration in HYC: A Community Endeavour

Last Friday, HYC Cruising Group hosted an enlightening talk on the Baldoyle Bay Seagrass Restoration Project held by project co-founders Eveann Nolan of Ocean Breakers and Cllr. Joan Hopkins of Sutton-Baldoyle. Their unwavering commitment to the cause has led to the development of this crucial seagrass restoration project that represents a pilot experiment in Europe.

The two determined co-founders have faced adversities and obstacles head-on, refusing to take 'no' for an answer and during their talk, they managed to pass their resilience to the audience of both members and non-members, including representatives from various community groups such as scuba divers, swimmers, and local citizens.


The talk was not just an informative session but also a call to action. The attendees, moved by the co-founders' dedication and the project's significance, offered their help and support. It was heartening to see the community come together for a purpose that promises to have a profound impact on our local environment.

The project is now set to enter its next phase. This month, scientists from the national University of Ireland, Galway, will visit our estuary to conduct groundbreaking research on seagrass conservation and restoration. This academic collaboration is expected to provide valuable insights and contribute significantly to the project's success.

The Baldoyle Bay Seagrass Restoration Project is more than just an environmental initiative; it's a symbol of community spirit and resilience to preserve our bay's natural beauty.


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